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** Full Band Google Calendar available at the bottom of this website.


It’s Fundraiser Time! Get your Butter Braids and Pizzas! Yum Yum!! 

  • Order now and items will be delivered on or around March 19th.
  • 40% of all sales will go right back to the WHS Band Boosters supporting the WHS Band Program!


**Contact your nearest WHS Band student to place an order or order directly from the WHS Band Boosters >> CLICK HERE!
**Local deliveries only please, given the nature of the frozen items.

Mark Your Calendars for Our Next Restaurant Fundraising Nights! :)
Wednesday 2/19 at Noodles &
 Tuesday 3/4 at Chipotle

Current Events

On Saturday November 9th, three students from Woodbury High School participated in the St. Olaf Honor Band at St. Olaf College in Northfield Minnesota.  Woodbury was represented by Olivia Wirtz-Diedrich on Flute, Maria Nereng on Alto Saxophone and Julia Alvarez on Bass Clarinet.  High School students had the honor of working with Dr. Travis Cross from UCLA and Dr. Henry Dorn from St. Olaf College.


Fall Trimester:
Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 7 PM
Varsity, Symphony and Concert Bands
Fall Concert Livestream Link
Fall Concert Program Link

Winter Trimester:
Monday, February 10, 2025 - 7 PM
Varsity, Symphony and Concert Bands
Winter Concert Livestream Link

Spring Trimester:
Monday, May 4, 2025 - 7 PM
Varsity, Symphony and Concert Bands

band opportunities at whs

The Woodbury High School Band program is a multifaceted program that offers a wide variety of opportunities!


  • Varsity Band - 9th Grade
  • Symphony Band - 10th-12th Grades
  • Concert Band - 10th-12th Grades 


  • Marching Band (May-June & August-October)
  • Pit Orchestra (Fall Musical)
  • Pep Band (Winter Sports)
  • Jazz Band & Jazz Lab (Winter - Spring terms)
  • Drumline (Winter - Spring terms)
  • Percussion Ensemble (Winter - Spring terms)
  • Brass Ensemble (Winter - Spring terms)
  • Woodwind Ensemble (Winter - Spring terms)
  • and MORE!


Scott Fairweather

Director of Bands

WHS Band Boosters

Program support, volunteers, donations, fundraising, events, and more!


Donate to the Woodbury Royals Band Boosters - Supporting the WHS Band Program!

The band boosters helps support all programming for WHS Band.

Every dollar donated is greatly appreciated ... THANK YOU!

whs band calendar