600 Hanson Drive, River Falls WI 54022

Dimensions: LF-310, CF-373, RF-310, with all the advertisement on the outfield fence it can be tough to see the baseball at times. 

Ballpark atmosphere:

Let's start with this, the fact that FNB of River Falls ball field has it's own webpage and flyover video should tell you all you need to know about how much fun it is to watch a game. The field is the pride of River Falls. When it opened in 2014 it was a grass field, however, after the 2019 season turf was installed courtesy of a $850,000 grant the River Falls Baseball Council has received from Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players’ Association Youth Development Foundation. First National Bank of River Falls field hosts around 130 amateur, high school, American Legion and youth baseball games each year. Including the Wisconsin Baseball Associations River Falls Fighting Fish town ball team (http://www.fishbaseball.org).

Rest Room Accommodations:

The restroom facilities are as good as it gets at a town ball/high school field and are located in the building adjacent to the north side of the grandstand.  


The grandstand has an awning covering it so shade and protection from the rain is plentiful. In addition, home place faces northeast so late afternoon and evening games the sun is at the back of the grandstand. 


There is plenty of seating and the grandstand seats are fold down seats, and are very comfortable.  Therefore, you do not have to bring your lawn chair. The bleachers are located around home plate with the front row being level with the playing field. 

Parking/walking distance:

Parking is located right next to the field, but it is a grass field so the surface is level but not smooth in case you have grand parents attending the game. There is a surface lot across the street that is part of the adjacent Hoffman Park, but it is a longer walk.  


If it is open, the concession area is very good.  The River Falls Baseball Council runs the stadium and the concession stand is opened at their discretion. It usually is open for the first couple of innings of games as the profits go the the RFBC.  However, it is not guaranteed. The concession stand is located next to the north side of the grandstand. 

Places to eat before/after the game: